Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Ogre Day 2 - Theme 2: Sounds / bells

2. Senses: Sounds trigger actions

Throughout the Ogre, there have been “bells” and other sounds that trigger good or bad actions. (Bells are mostly indicative of bad things). For example:

-The bells that trigger punishment for students at St. Christopher’s; he dreads ringing the bell for fear of “colophus” from his teachers.

- Jovial children laughing and running around in the playground is his favorite –he records these sounds. (P. 95 – 96)

****The “bells” in Mme. Greignot’s voice when she speaks...Abel doesn’t like her at all, and she ends up testifying against him/likening him to Wiedemann as he is beheaded. (p. 111, 115, 117, 118 & 168).

***Sensual experience when Abel attends Wiedemann’s beheading; as though it is his own death, extreme sights and sounds arise from this scene. (p. 121).

-War in Germany is “audiovisual signs” (p.136)

-Terrifying scream of Martine when she is raped

“A flight of herons crossed the sky, their wings beating gently; a bell scattered its disjointed, mournful music into the wind. Tiffauges felt a strong bond uniting him to the place. To being with – and perhaps for a long time – he was its prisoner and it was his duty to serve it with his whole body,”

3. I also notices a few other themes to be interesting, especially the fact that, because Abel was always rejected from society – he is not afraid of what is to come at Nazi Germany, since he has always been on his own. This is good because he is able to adapt more easily, but it is also a sign of his innate “malice” that will contribute to his actions.

Irony: Feels the most freedom as a prisoner in Nazi Germany. (He is in a “forced” society) P. 162

Pigeons: “Sign bearers,” his “children,” – which he ends up eating, as Ogres do. Also, the pigeon is able to transcend the Germans when he flies away, just as Abel is not afraid or suffering, unlike the other officers. (P.153 & 154).

War/Chaos – Abel has flourished in this chaotic, disorderly environment – the restrictions of society are removed. He is even seen as a superior being because of his immense body (p. 160) also, he is offered a medal of honor from Col. Puyjalon, and vs. when he was in school he knew he would never win a medal.

*Similarly, he was extremely calm when he was accused of raping the little girl. Despite all the chaos and disorder he “couldn’t sleep because of happiness.”

*This also conflicts with the execution of Wiedemann, who was a murdered being killed – (possessor & possessed perversion) BUT Abel was not glad that justice was served; instead he was disoriented and badly effected by his execution (as Wiedemann is a part of Abel).

Injustice- Comments on the justice system that is unfair and provokes judgments/stereotypes to be considered in court cases, thus, justice is impossible.

Animalistic: Abel is content and happiest when with his pigeons in solitude. He is able to hold them in his hand, POSESS them. But, he becomes more like a beast in this way – less human. Just as war is more animalistic and primitive than modern society.

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